The City of Buffalo operates the water & sewer system for city residents. Water meters are read monthly and billed to the customers.
New services can be set up at City Hall. Deposit for new customers are $150 for rental or $150 for owners (must have the deed in your name to be considered owner).
Utility Bills are mailed out the last week of the month and are due in full by the 10th. If you fail to receive your bill, contact City Hall.
Penalties are 10% of your delinquent balance and are assessed after the 10th of the month.
Your services will be disconnected the next business day after the 24th if your Utility bill is not paid. If services are disconnected, a $30 service charge must be paid along with your Utility Bill to reestablish service. If you tamper with the meter, there will be an additional $30 charge. Tampering is turning your water on yourself after the City Has turned it off.
Failure to receive your bill or other notice will not relieve you of the service charge.
ACH will keep you from being late on your utility bill. Inquire at City Hall for paperwork.
Online payments – Click this link Online Payments ( OR Go to the link from the main page – there is a fee charged by the processor for this service.
The current Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for the City is available at, for a paper copy please call City Hall at 345-2701.